What Are The Key Secrets To Happiness?
This idea for this article just came to me after reading a quote on a friend's status on Facebook. This got me thinking about something I heard the other day on the radio, Where they were discussing the nation's low happiness factor. Apparently, some statistician recently determined that most Brits are unhappy. I personally believe despite the negative media, the problems with the economy etc... We have much to be happy about.
Every morning when I wake and before I go to sleep at night. I take a moment to think of all the things that I am grateful for in my life. So many of us look upon the things that we don't have and forget about the things that bring us happiness and joy, I,e; family and loved ones:)
Below I have three personal keys to happiness.
I adopted in my life around a year ago now. My mood instantly improved the moment I heard these three ideas.
"When I was 5 years old my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I was in school my teachers asked what I wanted to be when I grew up... I said I wanted to be happy! They told me I didn't understand the assignment... I told them they didn't understand life!" - John Lennon
The Three Key Secrets to Happiness
1. Something to Do. I not going to lie, I'm really grumpy when I have nothing to do. I get so bored and that not me I love to be active. How many times have we felt unhappy with life because we simply had too much time on our hands and nothing to do with that time? I know it has happened in my own life. I only snap out of it when I start to get busy again. The thing is, we have to recognize this pattern and stay busy to keep our mood elevated. Remember a healthy mind leads to a healthy body. For me running and hill walking stops me from getting bored when I have nothing to and it clears my head and it gives me inspiration to do others things. Find something that keeps you busy. There are endless possibilities for "something to do" if we take the time to look.
2. Something to Love. Friends and family are such an important element to my life and ultimate happiness. I have spent many times away from my family, in the army and when traveling I would find myself in foreign surroundings, I missed my girlfriend and family comforts so much that sometimes it would distract me from my duties. The one source of inspiration to get through those weeks and sometimes months away was a visual thought of me holding my girlfriend and being with my family. My situation has now since changed and when I get down I still think of my Girlfriend and family and I can't help but smile. If you are single, you may have a best friend that always knows just how to pick you up, or make you laugh when you want to cry. Pets can even be an incredible source of companionship, I've had pets most of my life and marvel at their willingness to love us no matter what.
3. Something to Hope For. We all need something to hope for. Something that drives us towards that goal. It's been said that if you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time. Have something to aim for; hold it close to your heart and never let completely out of sight. When people lose hope they get complacent, and complacency often leads to a poor attitude. This negativity can lead to depression, and potentially harm cherished relationships. I know, I've been in a rut myself many times and I lost sight of the dreams and also had many shattered. Protect your dreams! Hope However is never lost, you just may have to work a little harder temporarily to catch up and see those dreams around the next corner again. We are never defeated unless we quit!!
"The only difference in a rut and a grave is six feet." If you find yourself in a rut, stop digging. Take a moment to clear your head of the negative thoughts and start moving in the direction of your dreams and things will begin to improve. If your goal is to get out of debt I hate to say this but you will never get out of debt. If your always thinking debt you will always attract it. The mind has a habit of attracting things we want, and if your always thinking debt whether that to get out of debt whatever you will find you will attract more of it. We should all be expanding our means not living below them. The bottom line is we are responsible for our own happiness.
You might go through life getting temporary mood boosts from things such as a pay rise from your boss or but ultimately happiness is a self-induced state of mind. Be responsible for your own happiness.
Please share your personal keys to happiness in the comment section.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article for more great content on life, goals and personal development please visit my personal site http://billyjury.com/
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