What is happiness? Happiness is a feeling of contentment and fulfillment, it is about people living in tune with their values and, who are conscious of their spiritual needs. It is all about having self-respect, a clear conscience and, living a slower and simpler, higher quality lifestyle that allows you to enjoy and appreciate God's wonderful Creations. It is a secret of happy people and a key factor to healthy living.
Our interests, goals, and dreams in life revolve around happiness. We are happy when we do the things we enjoy most or achieve something we value. And, we can find it in the happy anticipation of hope. Here is what the Bible says about fulfilling your purpose in life, "A man's heart plans his way but, the Lord directs his steps."Proverbs 16:9. Give your future a purpose along the lines which are best suited to your nature and capacities.
We find spiritual fulfillment by going to church to hear the Voice of God and, to express our faith by acknowledging Jesus Christ in our lives. Humble people find fulfillment in their spiritual traditions that help to make a better mother and wife, father and husband and son and daughter.
Faith gives you strength, inspiration and a sense of connection to something much greater than we could ever imagine. The spiritually rich have a sense of faith beyond negative emotions. God is in their heart, they know only He, can satisfy the deeper longings of their soul that is looking into a future in the heavenly Kingdom of God. Their trust in Him reaps a rich harvest of spiritual blessings that, even when all they have is God to keep them going, that sense of connection brings comfort and reassurance.
With faith you see the world differently and live by values that encompass all that is good, moral and wholesome. Good character stands firm when built on God's foundation and, where the warm and loving, close-knit family is the epitome of traditional values. Faith provides an inner sense of peace that only God can offer and noble qualities that overflow into selfless service to others. This is the kind of faith the Apostles of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ were able to preach and change the world.
The Spiritual Poor
The spiritual poor allow their minds to be conformed to a modern and fast-paced world of bad influences, where time is money and, where godless thinking and loose standards are adhered to. Life is thought of by how much power, wealth or selfish wants one manages to accumulate to satisfy the ego. Physical life however, is temporary and things come to an end. Sooner or later, those individuals will be separated from their money and, their possessions. Jesus says in Matthew 16:26 "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" Wise indeed, is the one who learns the difference between superficial pleasure and true happiness. Jesus Christ is the Light of the World: "He who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life" (John 8:12).
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