Monday, October 31, 2011

The Secret to Happiness and Success - On Your Own Terms

Socrates said that the beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. You should begin your quest for happiness and success by defining exactly what "happiness" and "success" mean for you - otherwise, how do you know you don't already have it? You won't find success until you are happy and know exactly what success means to you; and you won't be happy until you decide to be.

You may think that you don't have happiness in your life because you are feeling unhappy right now. It may seem obvious to you that you are looking for happiness because you don't feel happy, and therefore are not happy. You may even be frustrated because happiness is so elusive, or seems so far away. If only you could find happiness... Then you wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

The secret to finding happiness is in knowing where to look. Happiness is inside you. Even when you are looking into the dark, scary, sad, or lonely corners of your mind, happiness is still in there waiting for you to look in its direction. Define what happiness is to you, and then you'll know where to look - what thoughts to think and what images to dwell upon.

It has been said that success is: Loving who you are, what you're doing, and how you're doing it. There is no financial component to this formula; nor are the actions and moods of others a factor in your success and happiness. Of course others can affect you and your plans - but usually only if you allow them to. And, in any case, there is nothing you cannot adapt to, or overcome.

Much misery comes from chasing other people's ideas of success and happiness. "If I looked like THAT, I'd be happy;" or, "If I had THAT, I'd be happy..." Sure, THAT house and THAT car and THAT job might make you happy. But what if it doesn't? Where did you get that definition of success you've been chasing? Do you even remember? And what about your definition of, "Happiness;" since when did, "Good enough," become good enough?

Decide what success and happiness are to you; and then decide to be happy. It might not seem that easy at first; but it is that simple. Let-go of your old ideas about not being able to be happy unless some particular thing happens, or unless you achieve, attain, or acquire certain things; and let-go of your attachment to the past - and all the things that happened to you, and all the things you lost. Then, do what you love, and what naturally comes next.

Eventually - probably a lot sooner than you think - your thoughts and actions will have brought you what you were looking for. Don't be worried or afraid that you are doing the "wrong" thing; listen to your heart and stay your course. If you've decided to be happy regardless of your circumstances, situation, or surroundings, success is already yours; and you have everything it takes to successfully live the life of your dreams - happiness, imagination, and faith in yourself and your dreams.

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. The Belief Formula is a look at how you can use ancient wisdom and modern scientific awareness to learn how to use your mind to reclaim your health and create the life of your dreams.

For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

*To download your FREE, Illustrated Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Manual, go to: (It only takes about 10-seconds to get your Free EFT manual and start erasing fears, limiting beliefs, and other obstacles to success and happiness!)

The Secret to Happiness

Over 214 million dollars were spent on the internet last year to find meaningful relationships. People all over the globe are looking for happy and fulfilling relationships. Yet, obviously most are not finding it. Why? What is wrong?

The problem is in the goal or objective. People are driven to find happiness. They will do just about anything to try and get it. Yet, they don't find it. Herein is the problem, happiness is always a by product of something. Happiness is not something you can just go and get.

There is one basic principle that if you learn will change your life forever. Every human ought to learn, memorize, mediate, and apply it to their life. It is possible to be happy after a divorce, but it is also possible to be very unhappy while married. Is that true? Of course you know that to be a fact.

However, you can have happiness if you aim at the right target. What, then, is the right target? The right target to aim at in your life is "Personal Development" into manhood or womanhood whichever pertains to you.

Nature itself reveals that at conception you are to develop or grow. That is the way we are designed. This is not just speaking of physical maturity, but also, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual maturity. You get married for the purpose of personal development.

You go to college for the purpose of personal development. You work a job, start a new career, get a divorce, and have children, etc, etc, for the purpose of becoming a better person. You should not only be a better person after having traveled your life journey, not the world should be a better place because you were alive.

Why should you look at it this way? The answer is simplistic, but the application is hard work. It will take discipline on your part. The reason you ought to have this mindset is that happiness is a choice. It is a decision. It is an action that you must make, but only those who are mature will ever rise above their circumstances to choose to be happy regardless of what someone else has done to them.

You don't have to believe me. You can go on in your own unhappiness if you wish. But the plain truth is no one can steal your joy from you. You have to permit them to take it.

This is why I say that everything that you do in life should have the underlining motive that you are going to grow into womanhood or manhood, whichever is the case. Only the mature can decide to be happy.

Will you purpose in your mind today that you will follow a life style of perpetual growth? It takes time. It takes work. It takes patience. You will not change over night. However, if you will constantly work on you, you will mature into a healthy stable person.

Granted, what is healthy and stable for one will be something different for the next, but that is not the point because you can not be someone else. You can only be who you are.

I would recommend that you put more time and finances in your personal development than anything else.

Dr. John E. Neyman, Jr. is a Pastor, Author, Internet Marketing Coach, and Relationship Coach. You may visit Dr. John's website at Or e-mail him at

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Secret of Happy Relationships - Discover the New Fountain of Youth For You and Your Love Life

Recently, I read news about a Nobel Prize winning discovery of a hidden longevity switch in every cell of your body that controls how long you live and when you die. I instantly saw the connection with a romantic longevity switch that may control the lifespan of your relationship. You're about to learn how to flip a longevity switch to extend your healthy vitality in your life and love life.

Who discovered our body's longevity switch and how do we activate it?

Ten years ago, medical researchers found a natural mechanism in your body that starts the aging process. Recently, scientists found a natural compound which flips that longevity switch to stop aging. As a top researcher said in a Harvard report, "With this switch turned on, the body's cells become "immortalized."


This immortalizing power lies in a genetic structure called a Telomere, which is the switch that controls aging and is a key to healthy longevity. A Telomere is a protective tip that caps the ends of your DNA strands which must remain long to keep you strong and healthy. Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops and your life ends.

Recently, researchers found a natural compound that adds a protective cap on your telomeres so they don't shorten and die.

What is nature's fountain of youth?

It's an enzyme called telomerase, which can stop and even reverse this aging process. Unfortunately, the gene that makes telomerase turns off as you get older. Taking this enzyme telomerase supposedly flips the longevity switch back on.

The first doctor who is licensed to administer this natural treatment to his patients is Dr. Alan Sears. Now he is offering the first product that uses this Nobel Prize winning secret to repair your skin's DNA, soften your skin and erase wrinkles, tighten up your sagging jaw line, make your crow's feet disappear, and banish sun and aging spots.

Dr. Sears claims this enzyme longevity switch will help you put your best face forward and turn back the signs of time on your skin. So how do you use the romantic longevity switch that I recommend because it adds happy years to your relationship?

I often tell my online community how to flip your thought switch away from fear, stress and dis-ease to thinking positive, loving thoughts that create happy relationships.


Your thoughts are real things you use to create your life. You change your thoughts to change your life. To do this, you need to become aware of your self-critical, negative, limiting thought patterns that block your happiness and love.

Any time you catch yourself having a negative, fearful thought, you take a breath and put up a mental stop sign. As you exhale your limiting thought, you consciously replace it with a thought that leads to positive feelings and actions.

How do you make this a new habit?

When you make a promise to yourself to flip your thought switch away from fear and negativity to love every day for a month, then you create a new thinking habit which promotes positive attitudes and action plans.

What if you feel stuck in negative thinking?

You don't have to stay stuck, because your brain is wired to grow new neurons and new patterns of thinking. This means you can deactivate negative thought patterns by using relaxation tools like biofeedback, deep breathing, walking in nature, and hypnosis with an expert guide.

A life coach also can help you replace negative thought patterns with a new habit of thinking that creates enduring happiness in relationships.

And if you'd like to learn more about Dr. Sears longevity and rejuvenation products, simply click this link now:

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Secrets of Happy People

Do you want to rediscover a natural source of happiness? Unfortunately this source of happiness is so obvious that many of us take it for granted. Many of you reading this article will dismiss the idea as too simple, and will just continue on with your search for happiness elsewhere.

You should go outside to breathe the air of the nature. Depressed people tend to mope about the house complaining, worrying or stressing about their problems. Happy people will get out and enjoy life. So let's pretend for a moment that we're happy, and make a determined effort to get back to nature. I promise you won't be pretending for long.

There is a connection between you and God if you break that connection it will just give you sorrow and pain, but if you're connected with His connection you will feel happiness, joy, peace, love and security always.

Someone said money can buy happiness. In some cases, money can bring you nothing but trouble. Money by itself cannot bring happiness. In some cases it can bring despair and unease. Imagine having a large sum of money and being smart about it. Living an elevated lifestyle within your means, never having to worry about not being able to pay a bill again, being able to have fun, travel, and do the things you wanted to do without being tied to an inane job for the rest of your life.

As humans, we're meant to have deep emotional connections with others, without which there will be a void in our lives that can't be replaced by anything else.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Unlocking the Secrets of Happiness

Do you want to increase your happiness set point and avoid the hedonic treadmill? Happiness is subjective. It can be defined as your personal opinion as to how pleasurable, satisfying or gratifying your life is.

Positive Psychology (founded by Martin Seligman, Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania) has been actively pursuing research to discover more about the state of happiness for over a decade. Several things have been discovered about the pursuit of happiness:

o It is more global than ever before.

o It is not viewed as futile.

Recent research indicates that when you are happy, you tend to:

o Be more social and creative.

o Earn more money (although once basic needs are met, the actual level of income is not associated with happiness).

o Be happily married.

o Be more resilient.

o Have a stronger immune system and longer life.

Perhaps, because we know more about the benefits of happiness than ever before, it seems it is important to learn how to be happier.

In the past, researchers believed your level of happiness was 50-80% inherited. According to this view, you have a set point or range for happiness similar to weight. After a happy or sad experience, you will return to your set point of happiness. For instance, if you win the lottery or get the promotion you wanted, about 1 year later, you will be as happy as you were before your good fortune.

Another belief that supports the set point theory is what is called the "hedonic treadmill." It views both negative and positive events as only temporarily decreasing or increasing your level of happiness. It believes that you will adjust to the new situations over time. This holds true if you get a new house, job, car, or become disabled.

It is also believed that happiness may be somewhat dependent on your personality preference, i.e. introversion/extraversion. Some definitions of happiness are highly associated with socializing and what is typically thought of as more extraverted behavior.

Sonya Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., has been doing research on happiness over the last eighteen years at the University of California, Riverside. Her latest work is more optimistic about being able to increase levels of happiness. She has discovered three factors that determine happiness:

1. Genetic - set point is stable over time (50%).

2. Life circumstances or situations you find yourself in at the time (10%).

3. Choices we make after basic needs are met (40%).

This indicates that the choices you make daily will have a lot to do with how happy you will be. It also makes you more responsible for your own happiness.

It is known that exceptionally happy people think of themselves, their peers, and life events in ways that seem to maintain their happiness. They react to life circumstances in adaptive ways and more optimistically.

In contrast, unhappy people think of their situation in ways that tend to reinforce unhappiness. They believe a situation cannot change and tend to generalize their pessimism to other areas of their life.

Specific things that are known to increase levels of happiness and show promise of moving your set point higher over time are:

o Being aware of your blessings and acknowledging what you are grateful for at least several times a week.

o Savoring good things that happen.

o Avoiding comparing yourself to your peers and obsessing on negative outcomes.

o Practicing small acts of kindness to others.

o Having self-awareness and self-management to allow time for meditation, yoga and smiling at others.

o Viewing negative things as temporary and specific rather than permanent and pervasive.

Aristotle said "happiness depends on ourselves." New research indicates that with commitment and effort, you can influence 40% of your happiness. It is necessary to take time to make choices that will enhance your level of happiness starting today. The choice is up to you.

Maurine Patten, Ed.D., CMC, Maximize Your Possibilities

More free information, E.I. Assessment, and ezine subscription at

Friday, October 28, 2011

Relationships - 5 Secrets to Happiness

People were not created to live in isolation. We are social beings. Working together makes life easier for each individual. These five secrets allow you to live and work with others comfortably and happily.

1. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Do you like yourself? If not then figure out how to do so. You want to change your self-image if you feel anything other than love for yourself. You want to love everything about you. You cannot love others until you fulfill this first step.

2. See the Divine in each person. Remember that we are Diving beings having human experiences. Now matter how a person appears to you-selfish, thoughtless, happy, sad, etc.-look past their behavior to the love at their center. Send love to them regardless of how you feel about them. They will feel it and act accordingly. I do not mean romantic love. I mean respect and honoring.

3. Expect the best from others. You always get what you expect because you treat others according to the way you expect them to act. If you think you do not like someone with whom you know you will have to spend some time then take that person out of the box you stuck them in and see them differently.

If you saw them as annoying let go of that picture and see them as helpful and pleasant. They will become thoughtful and pleasant because you are now sorting for evidence of those new behaviors and you will always see what you expect to see. Always.

4. Become an expert listener. When you are with someone (in person or on the phone) be there 100%. Keep your mind focused on the Make that person the most important person in the whole world. In fact, whomever you are with becomes the most important person in the world-when you engage with them fully at 100%. Let them know how important they are by giving them your full undivided attention. They will sense your full presence and feel honored-and loved.

5. Practice great communication skills. That subject is an article in itself so I will just outline how to listen to others. Ask how they want you to listen to them. Ask if their sharing is confidential. If they say yes then honor their request. Listen actively if they want you to. Just listen silently if they want that. Only give advice if they ask for it. Give them reason to trust you and they will come to you whenever they need to talk.

Great relationships take work. People grow and change over time. When you live in happiness changes in your world hold less impact on you. Love yourself first and all else will fall into place--always.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how you can live in happiness now?

If so, download my brand new free Special Report: 45 Tips To Live In Happiness Now here:

What's the Secret to Happiness?

I don't know about you, but I am burnt out by all the material consumption of the holiday season. Television ads featuring cheesy marriage proposals or waking up to a car with a bow on top in your living room are constant reminders of things that are supposed to make us happy (diamonds and luxury cars and living rooms spacious enough for those cars to fit in).

As a yin to the consumerism yang, and to help us refocus on what really matters, I'd like to share with you the secret to lasting happiness: gratitude. As an article in the Wall Street Journal reports,"a growing body of research suggests...adults who frequently feel more grateful...earn more money, sleep more soundly, exercise more regularly and have greater resistance to viral infections." Simply feeling grateful can lead to real happiness and cool is that? Kids and adolescents also benefit from gratitude - the article has techniques to help your kids be grateful too. The studies show that grateful kids are less materialistic, get better grades, and have more desire to give back.

Here are a few ways to cultivate gratitude:

1. Think positive thoughts and speak to others (and yourself) using positive words.

2. Before going to sleep, think of 3 specific things that went well during the day.

3. Upon waking, think of 3 things that you're looking forward to that day.

4. Keep a gratitude journal.

5. Express thanks and gratitude aloud, and avoid criticizing those around you (especially loved ones).

Valerie Neng, Holistic Health Coach offers advice and support through monthly newsletters, articles, workshops, and one-on-one coaching sessions. Clients' needs range from weight loss to having more energy to being more productive, and beyond. To learn more, please visit

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Number 1 Secret to Happiness

We spend a lot of energy and countless dollars every year in the pursuit of happiness. We tend to focus on our appearance, comforts and our surroundings. And these do make us feel better, i.e. happy. But it is a temporary fix that does not sustain us for long. After all, a basic automobile gets us comfortably to our destination just as well as a high dollar stylish machine.

Why does happiness seem to elude us? Where is it hiding?

Good questions. After decades of searching I've discovered that it is hiding in plain sight. And we only need to claim it. Ha you say! This may be true, but it's not that simple. Truth and happiness are obscured by our biases, perceptions, past experiences and beliefs. Just like a dirty window can make a beautiful mountain view look like a termite hill. Our beliefs obscure the truth.

And doesn't that bring up another question? Like how do I know if it's the truth or my own unique view of it. And if I find the belief that's clouding my view of truth how do I change it or in effect change my own mind? This really opens a can of worms and much has been written about it. So instead of confronting it head on I suggest we leap frog it.

One way to bypass our beliefs and personal views is to rely on an universal law. This allows us to overcome our limits and transcend our beliefs.

So here is the universal law that applies to happiness: "Happiness Is Your Birthright".

The first step is to claim it! An example in my life is that I felt like I had to earn happiness. I earned it through hard work and accomplishment. And when I had accomplished my goal then it was OK to be happy. How absurd that seems to me now. It was a journey discovering that it's OK to be happy just because I choose to.

In future articles we'll explore how we can claim happiness and sustain it.

Stephen Eaton is a self improvement junkie since the age of 19. He has attended hundreds of seminars, listened to 1,000s of audios and read over 1,000 self help books. To get a FREE DVD from Best Selling author Glenda Green on The #1 Secret To Happiness go to [].

14 Ways to Learn the Secret to Happiness

Today ends the two-week series on the 14 Ways to Learn the Secret to Happiness. As you reflect and begin to use these strategies in your daily life, I challenge you not to measure your progress too quickly or too harshly. Too often we measure ourselves from where we think we should be to where we actually are right now. This will always result in a negative number. This type of measurement has a way of setting us for failure because if we don't reach the desired goal, we may lose our confidence and sometimes our passion and energy. Instead, measure yourself from where you have been to where you are now. This is the most productive unit of measure and it will always be a positive number. Be patient with yourself and measure you happiness this same way.

For your convenience, listed below are all 14 strategies as well as brief summary for each one. I encourage you to print these or copy them and refer to them often. Over time, these strategies will become positive and life-changing habits that will begin to bring more happiness, joy and peace into your life. Enjoy.

1st Way: Notice What's Right

Some of us see the glass as being half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty. This expression goes straight to the heart of the power of positive thinking and taking the time to Notice What's Right.

2nd Way: Be Grateful

How many times do you say the words "thank you," in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the "thank yous", the latter will naturally take care of itself. Learn to Be Grateful every day and open yourself up to receive an abundance of joy and happiness.

3rd Way: Remember the Kid You Were

Do you remember how to play? I'm not referring to playing a round of golf or a set of tennis. I'm talking playing like you did when you were a child - a game of tag; leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle and the bases are the parked cars. One way to find or maintain your happiness is to Remember the Kid You Were and play!

4th Way: Be Kind

There is no question that by merely watching acts of kindness creates a significant elevation in our moods and increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. Kindness is indeed contagious and when we make a commitment to Be Kind to ourselves and to others we can experience new heights of joy, happiness and enthusiasm for our lives.

5th Way: Spend Time with Your Friends

Although an abundant social and romantic life does not itself guarantee joy, it does have a huge impact on our happiness. Learn to Spend Time with Your Friends and make the friendships a priority in your life.

6th Way: Savor Every Moment

To be in the moment is to live in the moment. Too often we are thinking ahead or looking ahead to the next event or circumstance in our lives, not appreciating the "here and now." When we Savor Every Moment, we are savoring the happiness in our lives.

7th Way: Rest

Sometimes we need the time to unwind, decompress, or to put it simply, just "to chill." Life comes at all of us hard and fast. Time, as do the days on the calendar, keeps going forward at its own natural pace, which is not always the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we may think, or notice. The best remedy for this is indeed Rest.

8th Way: Put on a Happy Face

Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I'm not suggesting that we not be honest, real or authentic, but I'm suggesting, sometimes, we just need to Put on a Happy Face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that smiling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are happy then we can experience greater joy and happiness in our lives.

9th Way: Move!

The expression a "runner's high" does not infer an addiction, but a feeling or a state of mind - a state of euphoria. There is no question exercise, or any physical exertion, elevates your mood and enhances a more positive attitude as well as fosters better personal self-esteem and confidence. Indeed, one way to increase your happiness is to Move!

10th Way: Pursue Your Goals

The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically avoiding to pursue our goals, makes us feel like we are stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, with our relationships, or at work, with our careers, is the difference between having a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusiasm. Pursue Your Goals and watch your happiness soar.

11th Way: Finding Your Calling

Some find meaning in religion or spirituality while others find purpose in their work or relationships. Finding Your Calling may be much more than accomplishing one simple strategy for increasing your happiness, but having a sense of purpose - of feeling like you are here for a reason - can perhaps bring the greatest joy of all.

12th Way: Get into the Flow

Flow is the form of joy, excitement and happiness that occurs when we are so absorbed in an activity we love that we can loose ourselves and time seems to stand still. What creates flow is unique to each one of us. To find and sustain true happiness in our lives, we must get off the sidelines and Get into the Flow.

13th Way: Play to Your Strengths

One way to achieve flow is by understanding and identifying our strengths and core values, and then begin to use these every day. Once we aware of our strengths and we begin to Play to Your Strengths we can better incorporate them in all aspects of our lives.

14th Way: Don't Overdo It

Know when to say when. What gives you joy and happiness the first time may not work the second time. Too much of a good thing may begin not to feel as good if the "thing" becomes more of a routine, or an expectation. Set healthy and reasonable boundaries for yourself and Don't Overdo It.

Alex Blackwell is the author of The Next 45 Years - a website dedicated to sharing and creating happiness, life balance and success for the rest of our lives. To read all "14 Ways to Learn the Secret to Happiness" please visit:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yes, Virginia, There Is a Secret for Happiness

Do I believe there is a secret to happiness? I'll bet you expect me to say "NO, there is just no simple secret." While it is true that there are many factors that affect our happiness, I believe there is one secret that determines whether those factors will work for you, and that is the secret to happiness.

But first, allow me to share a some history. In 2001, I published the first edition of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: the 9 habits of maximum happiness. I did all the things authors do, right up to getting myself some media interviews. Being an old hand at media relations (actually, Canada's send-most-quoted consumer advocate at the time), you would think I would have been superbly prepared for the question that almost every journalist would ask me:

"So, which of the 9 habits is most important?"

What?! Which one is most important? Why, they are all important, of course. That's why I wrote about them all. I was obviously too close to the forest to see the trees. Or, in this case, the tree.

After being asked this question a few times, I was forced to think, and think hard. And out of nowhere, I had an "Aha!" moment that stands the test of time five years later.

One of the 9 habits I wrote about is more important than the others. One of my 9 habits activates all the others. One of my habits is the secret to happiness. It starts on page 83 of the second edition.

"Count Your Blessings"

It sounds so simple, and so, well, almost corny. But let me give you a concrete example of how this works.

Count Your Blessings for Happiness

Have you ever bought a new car? Remember the pride you felt and the excitement when you made the choice? When you signed the papers? When you drove it off the lot? Do you remember that "new car smell"?

Then something happened. Where is that pride today? Where is that excitement now? What happened to that "new car smell"?

Simple. You stopped counting your blessings. When you bought the car, it was a step up. Perhaps it was a better car. Or a bigger car. Or simply a car that would spend less days on the hoist. You were grateful. You were appreciative. You were counting this blessing.

It does not take long for a new blessing to be taken for granted. And the new car becomes just another thing in your life that you take for granted. Consider this incredible set of statistics:

- 99% of people in the developed world take shelter for granted.

- 99% of people in the developed world take breakfast for granted.

- 99% of people in the developed world take lunch for granted.

- 99% of people in the developed world take dinner for granted.

- 99% of people in the developed world take clothing for granted.

At the risk of sounding trite or glib, most people in the developed world take cars, televisions, computers, vacations, toasters, freedom of speech, paper clips and thousands of other conveniences for granted. In fact, a TV remote control that requires a battery change or a web page that takes more than five seconds to load are considered serious irritations.

Who is happier, the person grateful to be able to change those batteries and wait for that web page? Or the person grumbling about the time it takes and the inconvenience and the bother and why can't things work better? (Why don't they make things like they used to? Why does the lineup have to be so long? Why is it so cold outside? Why do I have to go to work today?)

Of course you have every right to complain any time you choose. Nobody wants to take away your right to be unhappy. But I would love to take away your unhappiness, if you are willing to take action.

Arithmetic is not all that easy

This is where "counting your blessings", simple and even corny, is not as easy as it sounds. Our knee-jerk reaction is to complain, to grumble, to be frustrated, to feel almost offended when things don't work out "perfectly", just the way we want them to. Imagine poor God, sifting through the millions of prayers he receives daily. Despite the cornucopia of blessings we receive, I am willing to bet that he receives ten times more "Gimmee" prayers than "Thank you" prayers.

Counting our blessings in this day and age of entitlement is not as simple as it sounds, and it sure is not easy to do. In fact, billions of dollars of advertising conspire to reinforce the belief that whatever we have is not good enough and that we deserve better. Who is there to tell us we have enough? Who can help us feel happy with what we have?

You. Only you. Are you ready to give up your own natural knee-jerk reaction and choose to be happy?

You can have all the confidence in the world, but if you do not actively feel grateful for the fruits of your confidence, it will not bring you happiness. You can have immaculate health, but if you do not think about how wonderful that is, it will not bring you happiness. You can smile, build friendships, achieve success, win the lottery, or do whatever you desire, but if you are not saying every day, "Wow! This is wonderful. This is grand. I am the luckiest man (or woman) alive because of this," don't expect it to bring you happiness.

Yes, there is a secret to happiness. The secret is gratitude. The secret is appreciation. Or, as I call it in Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: the 9 habits of maximum happiness, the secret is to count your blessings.

This is an excerpt from 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life. David Leonhardt is a freelance writer from Ottawa, Canada and also runs a happiness personal growth website.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Secret to Happiness

Happiness is the one thing most people want in life. They desire it above fame and fortune. Even though most people want happiness they are not happy. Are you among those who are looking for happiness, but just can't seem to find it? You try to do everything right, but nothing seems to go right. You are not alone. Many people find them self in the same situation. But don't give up. Happiness is there waiting for you to discover it. It is inside you right now, and nothing can stop you from being happy once you discover the secret.

So what is the secret? It is a decision. The secret to happiness is to decide that you are going to be happy. And the secret to more happiness is to true knowledge. When you apply true knowledge, also called truths, true principles, or natural laws, happiness will be the consequence. It just is. To gain a clearer understanding we need to look at real life situations.

In real life most things that bring unhappiness have to do with our health, relationships with others, and money. The choices you make everyday have consequences that you have no control over. Even though you have no control over the consequences you have 100% control over how you choose to treat your money, people around you, and your health. Each one of these areas have natural laws that govern them and once you learn these laws and put them in practice, the consequences will be greater health, more fulfilling relationships, and financial freedom. All this will make it easier to be happier.

Choose today to be happy. Then learn the truths that will bring the consequences you desire.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want your relationships with others to be meaningful? Are you tired of being depressed, sick, or unhappy with any part of your life? You can do something about it. Happiness is your choice and it begins with a decision to be happy. That is the first step to living a life full of happiness, peace and harmony. To learn more you can check out You may find something helpful in my latest blog, or find a book that could change your life like they have mine. You deserve happiness. Everything you need to be happy is there right now, inside of you.

4 Secrets of Happy People

Our chief aim in life is to be happy. A baby is not born with a scowl on their face. When we learn from grown-ups that life is serious our smile is straightened out. Don't let these worry warts fool you. We were meant to be happy.

Learn and apply these secrets of happy people.

Live A Life of Service

People who serve others are the happiest people on earth. The attention is moved from any stress they may be experiencing to helping other people. When creating for others you instantly become a happy person. All leaders and teachers live a life of service and are usually the happiest people.

Smile Frequently

See my toothy grin? That's me the majority of the time. Sure I run into all types of stuff just like anybody else. I am not immune from difficulties. I've learned to smile through the tough times though. Smiling is an instant tension reliever. Go ahead, give it a shot now.

Never Debate Unless A Useful Purpose Can Be Served

Most debate is an emotionally-charged ego thing. I'm right, you're wrong. You often see this with politics when passion turns into rudeness. Newsflash: there are millions of people on earth who share the same viewpoint. Respectfully disagree with the other party, appreciate their take, and move on to people who you can agree with.

Less and less do I feel the need to operate from an ego motive. Debate can sharpen the mind if the conversation is fact-based and is pointed toward a definite end. If it's just a right-wrong thing charged with wild emotions - which many debates are - then what purpose does it serve other than to boost your own ego? It might provide you with a false sense of pride until someone more intelligent than you knock you down, causing more unhappiness.

Remain Active

"Pray and move your feet." - Quaker Wisdom

For our short stay on earth the body is our home. Take care of it by keeping it moving. Delay = Decay. Everything is naturally in a state of flux. In order to remain energetic and happy it's vital to exercise daily. Perform some form of cardiovascular activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Walking is fine. Just keep it moving.

Be Happy

Happiness is a state of mind. It remains with you until you decide to change it. Be happy now!

Ryan Biddulph is an entrepreneur and motivational author who inspires people to obliterate their limitations. Use the personal development program which transformed him from an unemployed secruity guard into an influential webpreneur Wealth Beyond Reason

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Secret to Happiness After Fifty

For most of us the first reminder that we are officially in the second half of life is when we get our invitation letter to join the American Association of Retired Persons. When I received mine, retirement was the furthest thing from my mind. I was busy launching a new business and excited and scared because I very much wanted this venture to succeed. It is only in retrospect that I understood that I was truly in the second half of life stage since my focus now was to be doing something that would make me happy.

When we are around age fifty we begin to focus inward to figure out what would make us happy. Prior to that we may have been busy with careers and or raising children and having more outer directed lives. Now comes the life stage where we want to complete ourselves. Those of us who have been very busy with our careers want to enhance our personal relationships. Those of us who have been more focused on raising children and in jobs that were not satisfying want to take a path that we can be passionate about. HAPPINESS at this stage of life becomes very important to us.

There are three steps for creating happiness:

1. Figuring out what gives us happiness. This can be accomplished by trusting that the answers to what we need to create happiness are inside us.

2. Be willing to invest time and energy into self-care. Having good physical and emotional health are vital at this stage of life because it takes energy to make changes and start something new.

3. The joy is in the journey. It is the sense of accomplishment by pursuing something that truly matters that creates happiness and more energy.

The Secret of Happiness is within each of us. We have to take responsibility for our growth. Our capacity to grow as human beings is a life long journey. It is when we neglect and limit our potential that we become dissatisfied. The answer is that if in order to enjoy our lives we have to put energy into creating our happiness.

And now I invite you to visit to claim your free Recharge Your Life and Renew Your Spirit report.

Kristina von Rosenvinge teaches self-growth and relationship skills for personal and business success. She specializes in helping people in their second half of life make this the best time of their life.

One Single Secret to Happiness, Success, Health and Wealth

Most have lost their key to happiness.

Most have lost their key to wealth.

Most have lost their key to health.

Most have lost their key to success.

And they do not remember where they lost it and how to find it.

That's a fine fix to be in, isn't it? But that's the fix most of the people in the world are in. Not only did they lose something of utmost importance but they lost the memory of even having it.

People are scared to death of losing things, aren't they? They put double locks on their doors. They take vitamins and get MRI's. They get alarm systems in their house and car. They put encryption on their emails. They have duplicate anti-virus systems on their computers.

With all that securitization, most people have lost the most important thing they ever had or could ever had. They've lost their happiness.

That's why people do all these things to make themselves happy. They get a mate. They get a big job. They get a perfect car. They eat the right food. They see all the latest movies. They go to the hottest night club. They drink the latest popular cocktail. They go to the coolest vacation place. They have to always have something to look forward to, so they find that happiness.

At the end of all that scratching around for happiness, most people have a nagging sense of frustration. They cannot find lasting happiness in the usual ways of the world. They cannot find real happiness out there in all that.

The simple and forgotten reason is that happiness, real happiness, is not out there. It is right in your very own Self. Yes, you probably noticed the capital "S."

That's where happiness is all right. It's right inside of you.

And the forgotten secret to happiness, success, health, wealth and all the best things of life is very simple. A four letter word---L O V E.

It's gotten all confused. Nobody even knows what Love is. They don't know that real love is right inside of them. It's bottled up inside just waiting to burst out and transform your life.

You know that love conquers all. You know that love overcomes all. You know that love is the most powerful force in the universe. You know love is the answer.

The crying shame is so very few people know where that love is--right inside of them. They don't know how to access. They don't know how to wield this magnificent power to have the world they've dreamed of.

Love is the key to having, being and doing all you deserve and long for.

Loving yourself, loving everyone else, finding out that you have access right inside of you to this most powerful energy, is the key that you have forgotten you have. Find out. Love yourself. Love everyone else and watch what happens.

And you're invited to have a Free download of the best selling ebook Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have it Your Way. The Free ebook gives you answers you have been looking for all your life. The Free ebook shows you how giving turns into getting. Click here to download the Free ebook now and see for yourself. Click here: []

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Secret of Happiness

Lord Buddha sought Nirvana under a Banyan tree. He found enlightenment and could free his life of the miseries that life presents us with. But as he had said, "Craving is root cause of all miseries", it seems it holds good even today. If you can free your soul of cravings, you can surely find the true happiness within. Happiness is not just presence of people, luxuries or other beautiful things around us. It is a feeling of being truly content at heart, soul and mind. If one can feel satisfaction in his life and end his craving for materialistic things, he can truly walk on path of happiness.

This is probably not humanely possible, more so because in today's world money and power reign supreme. They are the top two things that everyone is running after. Ultimately both are supposed to give happiness - Happiness of being rich, richer and richest or Happiness of being powerful, more powerful and most powerful! But in most cases than not, they return misery.

Do you think the richest and most powerful man/ woman on this earth would be the happiest too? "No". The answer is "No".

One craving leads to another and creates a long chain that just keeps extending along with our life. Though doing what Lord Buddha did is not possible today (leaving his kingdom and family to attain Enlightenment), the least we can try and do is to feel satisfied with what we have, to stop comparing our happiness on the basis of what others possess. This does not mean that we put an end to our ambitions, but means that we do not run a rat race.

Just as happiness is quite a relative feeling, feeling content, satisfied is also relative. To feel this peace within you, seek what gives you satisfaction and contentment. If it can make you feel at peace with yourself and your life, then probably you have attained your own small but significant "Nirvana" or Enlightenment - a secret to Happiness!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Secret to Happiness and Maslow's Hierarchy

"The secret to happiness is contentment"

(Dali Lama)

If we are content with what we have, and where we are, then we are happy.

This means not grasping for attainment of material objects or even spiritual understanding, but being content and just allowing life to happen.

How does this help us to achieve the things we "want"?

I'm glad you asked! This brings me to Maslow's theory on the hierarchy of human "needs", the answer to that question is revealed within the following explanation and its accompanying story.

Maslow, was an eminent Psychologist who developed a theory on the psychological need of humans; it is often demonstrated in the form of a pyramid, and referred to in relation to Education, Motivation and Sales training.

A summary of his theory would be: that we humans have "needs" that must be satisfied in an order of priority, before higher ideals can be achieved the lower ideals MUST be met.

The order of these needs doesn't change from individual to individual, they are as follows:

1. PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS, air, water, food, rest, exercise, etc

2. SAFETY NEEDS, shelter, job security, retirement plan, insurance

3. LOVE AND BELONGING, children, friends, partners

4. SELF ESTEEM (1), fame, recognition, reputation, dignity

5. SELF ESTEEM (2) Confidence, achievements, FREEDOM

If we don't meet all the needs in the lower levels we will always be in deficit and be trying to meet them before we can obtain the highest levels of complete self actualization and FREEDOM.

Here's a story I wrote to illustrate Maslow's theory in a practical situation, it's illustrated in a negative context because most of us will understand it better this way. Note: (L5) means level 5 as per above.

The following is based on a true story; some details have been changed to allow for publishing here.

A Person's car breaks down on an old dirt road in the Barclay plains it's a scorching 44 degrees in the shade, but there aren't any trees to provide shelter, he's in the middle of nowhere, outback, Australia.

He was on his way to Darwin to give a lecture on Self Defence. He had been giving these talks for some time now and really enjoyed sharing his knowledge, not for the respect that others gave him, but because he is a master of the subject and it felt good doing it. (L4/5)

At first he wasn't concerned about the situation and he allowed his mind to be free and 'take in', the beauty of the landscape, he started to reminisce about his friends and family, wondering what they're doing at that time, then he turned on the radio and drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up he realized that he was feeling lonely and would love to have someone to talk to. (L3)

After a few hours he started to feel a little uncomfortable and realized that he could be in some danger so he tried to think of a plan for his safety.

After some time he decided to head off in search for help.

It started getting dark and he became really worried; his senses were tuned into every sound. (L2)

Then he realized that he hadn't eaten since breakfast and that he was hungry and thirsty. (L1)

After two more days his only thoughts were about finding water to stay alive, he wasn't concerned about eating because his body knew it could survive for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.

So then his immediate concern was for the basic need of water.

SUDDENLY!! Someone jumped on him from behind, and started to choke him he couldn't breathe! Then his need for air was stronger than his need for water!

It was only a joke; his best friend had come looking for him when he didn't show up in Darwin on time.

He found the car then tracked his mate to where he found him, looking pretty rugged. Then as all good mates do, he decided to play a practical joke to give him a fright! They are still good friends today.

The end

The simple lesson here is this:

This story shows a person who had met all his needs and was at the highest level. He had truly manifested his dream into reality and how he quickly went into "Needs Deficit" (ND)

Clearly we must walk before we can run, If we can't breath we aren't worried about water, we NEED air, our ND is air; this is a very basic example.

To look at it another way we could say that; trying to be a highly regarded successful whatever (4/5) will not be possible if we are in ND of (1, 2, or 3).

Our ND needs attention first; this doesn't mean that if we don't have a house and family we can't achieve our dream ambitions.

On the contrary it means that we should, let go of our graving, yearning and striving to achieve success at any cost type of attitude, and maintain our lower levels of needs so that we can open the path to the higher levels.

Many of us, myself included have been guilty of forgetting about our needs for friends and family when we are trying to obtain the higher ideals of success.

This area can be a particular problem with the internet, because it uses up so much of our time and attention.

If we maintain our basic needs we will be able share our dreams and talk about them and believe in them and be content and happy about them.

Thus allowing our dreams to manifest into reality.

Doesn't it make sense that with this kind of thinking we will all be able to move on to the higher levels of self actualization?

Maintain your ND and believe in your DREAMS the rest will happen!

Bill Boyd, has been in business for 20 years, he has studied Chinese medicine, Oriental Philosophy, and has a 3rd degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do. He has coached and mentored several elite athletes to international success. []

The Secret to Happiness

Happiness is the one thing most people want in life. They desire it above fame and fortune. Even though most people want happiness they are not happy. Are you among those who are looking for happiness, but just can't seem to find it? You try to do everything right, but nothing seems to go right. You are not alone. Many people find them self in the same situation. But don't give up. Happiness is there waiting for you to discover it. It is inside you right now, and nothing can stop you from being happy once you discover the secret.

So what is the secret? It is a decision. The secret to happiness is to decide that you are going to be happy. And the secret to more happiness is to true knowledge. When you apply true knowledge, also called truths, true principles, or natural laws, happiness will be the consequence. It just is. To gain a clearer understanding we need to look at real life situations.

In real life most things that bring unhappiness have to do with our health, relationships with others, and money. The choices you make everyday have consequences that you have no control over. Even though you have no control over the consequences you have 100% control over how you choose to treat your money, people around you, and your health. Each one of these areas have natural laws that govern them and once you learn these laws and put them in practice, the consequences will be greater health, more fulfilling relationships, and financial freedom. All this will make it easier to be happier.

Choose today to be happy. Then learn the truths that will bring the consequences you desire.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want your relationships with others to be meaningful? Are you tired of being depressed, sick, or unhappy with any part of your life? You can do something about it. Happiness is your choice and it begins with a decision to be happy. That is the first step to living a life full of happiness, peace and harmony. To learn more you can check out You may find something helpful in my latest blog, or find a book that could change your life like they have mine. You deserve happiness. Everything you need to be happy is there right now, inside of you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Secrets to Happiness - You Can Be Happy!

Some people think that life is a cycle of happiness and sadness. Every joy has its corresponding sorrow. That could be the probable reason why some people do not want to indulge in too much happiness. They believe that the next step is grief. Everyone desires lasting happiness, but they need to remember that the notion of a cyclical life is not true. For as long as you know the secrets to happiness, you can retain the mood all throughout your life.

Live Today

The reason for most distress is the worries you have for tomorrow. When you worry about your future, you tend to forget about living your life today. You focus your attention to problems that has not yet happened and you forget to enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. The happiest people are those who can live one day at a time and still be productive. If you ask religious people about secrets to happiness, they may even cite words, like "Why worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow worry about itself."

Live Simple Life

Living a simple life is one of the secrets to happiness. A simple life means removing all those things that may complicate it including too much work, too many expenses and too many responsibilities. Focus only on what you need, what you can accomplish and what your mind can accommodate. Do not push yourself to the limit by taking more than what you can accommodate. When you limit these things, you can be worry-free and live a simpler life.

Live a Stress-Free Life

To live a stress-free life means to embrace only the things that you can. Many people who fail in their search for the secrets to happiness often live outside their means. When you spend more than what you can earn, you get unnecessary stress in looking for extra work just to pay for your overspending. But if you stay within your budget, you do not need to work overtime and you can spend more time to appreciate the little things around. However, when you start living outside your means, you worry too much on payment dues and live in constant stress.

Live with Love

Living with love is the most important in the secrets to happiness. When you get along well with others especially your family and friends, you learn to be grateful for the beauty of life. There is nothing more cheerful than sharing your overflowing love with people you care for and receiving the same love in return.

The secrets to happiness are very simple. All you need is to look around and you will definitely see the beauty of life.

Cecil enjoys working in the garden and tinkering around the house. He uses a folding utility cart to haul his garden tools as he works. He loves the convenience of a garden utility cart to make garden work much more simple!

The Secret of Happiness and Living the Life of Your Dreams

To achieve happiness and succeed in life is a most welcome happy thought, but appears elusive to many of us. With significant research studies to back it up, science can finally show us how to get there.

True or False, would you be happier if you made more money, found the perfect mate, lost ten pounds, moved to a new house, bought that cool iPhone or got yourself any of those nice little happy things you've been dreaming about? Surprise, surprise. The answer is plain and simple: False!

Happiness is genetic. Dreaming about happy things, having these feelings and working towards attaining them will eventually chart the way for achieving success in life. You can't change how happy you are any more than you can change how tall you are. Success and happiness go hand in hand. To find true happiness will lead to success. Recent scientific research on happiness has proved that happiness is not a goal. It's a process. Our tendency to be happy or not is partly inborn. The way to happiness is within our control. What's even more surprising is that happiness brings success, not the other way around. Though many people think happiness is elusive, scientific research can now unravel the mystery to always being happy.

Many have amassed a certain measure of material possessions and also met their basic needs. There is nothing wrong with materialism. It only gets bad when it's used to replace the other things that really matter, such as family, friends, marriage and meaningful work. It's a proven fact, that those who choose to make money over building meaningful relationships have lower levels of satisfaction in life. Life is short. The way to happiness is through nurturing useful relationships and these eventually lead one to succeed in life.

What is happiness? How does one go about to achieve happiness? The feeling of happiness is not just about feeling good inside. A happy person is more successful, has better relationships, is healthier and lives longer. In addition to this, a happy person is more productive at work, learns more in school, is more likely to get promoted, more creative and undoubtedly more popular.

Happiness cannot be sustained for long by life's circumstances due to our inherent nature to adapt. For instance, getting a new job, a promotion or even moving to a new house feels great at first. The feeling of happiness fizzles out almost in the wink of an eye once we get used to them. A classic example is the fact that one year down the road after striking it rich, lottery winners were found to be less happy than those in control groups. Sustaining that "feel-good" experience of success is determined by how you choose to act and think. Researchers recommend a few strategies to have a positive mind in search of happiness. They are simple yet little known steps that will almost guarantee a lifetime of happiness. Some of these simple strategies include showing gratitude, practicing forgiveness, savoring positive moments and getting more involved in social activities. Not every strategy will work. You need to try a few to find out which ones work best for you.

So what is the definition of happiness? It is a combination of frequent positive emotions and the sense that life is good. Happiness is not about getting everything right. "If I get the right job, the right car, the perfect mate, then I'll be happy". That is far from the truth. The moment your basic needs are met, the effects of income on happiness get smaller. This is because the long way to happy living is all about how you view the world. If your only goal in life is dreaming about nothing but personal happiness, then you'll never achieve it. If you want to be happy, pursue something else. Success and happiness will soon catch up with you. Happiness is largely up to the individual. However, what's going on around you, particularly your personal freedom plays a major role.

We all want to be happy. Happiness is not a skill taught in school. There are many things to remember about happiness, as well as learning the art of being happy. Hopefully, as more people get to understand happiness and its process, the more they will strive to sustain a lifetime of happiness. Stumbling on happiness and success is a long journey that begins with a change of attitude in your mind. That's the true secret of happiness.

Ted Charles is an IT and Marketing professional with vast experience spanning over 8 years. He is also an avid writer in the field of Self-Improvement, particularly on achieving Happiness and Succeeding in Life.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Secret To Happiness & Success

What is your take on the true secret to happiness and thus success? To me, i strongly believe it is ATTITUDE! If you think that being wealthy, popular, handsome or rich will make you happy, think again.

Happiness if a matter of the heart and has little to do with external events on matters. It is about how you see things, not what happens, that makes the difference. The most well-adjusted people are those who choose to look at the brighter side of life.

So, instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, they count their blessings each day, at every moments. They understand that gratitude is integral part of happiness and we need to acknowledge it personally. These "happy" people generally develope positive speech habits and learn to speak out blessings, not curses and complaints. This tells us one important thing - How we say things makes a huge difference in how we perceive them.

Happy people do not look for worth in material things. Those that are always going for the material things are not that happy after all, as they are sometimes afraid of loosing the wealth that they have currently. Those that have millions but are driven to develope themselves and their business will be much happier and eventually be more successful. They understand that material things alone will never fill that empty void that life sometimes brings. As such, to be really happy and be successful people, we need to find peace and purpose in a strong faith.

Corporate Success Coach Sean Chua specializes in providing and sharing consultative advice and tips for employees on how to succeed in the corporate world. To get more tips and strategies on how to survive and emerge a winner in the quest of the corporate game, please visit

The Secret of Happiness - The Questions of Happiness

Happiness is a secret. Yet, right now, you have the chance to read about the secret of happiness. You see, this secret is not like those other secrets, it is different. Why? Why is the secret of happiness such a big secret? As we continue telling you about the secret of happiness, we are going to tell you why it is such a big secret.

The secret of happiness is one of the biggest secrets simply because only you are the one who can answer it. Still you have not found the secret of happiness, yet, you are listening to a complete stranger to show you the secret of happiness, which is something even you are not aware of, yet.

What is it that makes you happy? Is your happiness expensive? Is the happiness a fantasy or is it real? Is that happiness reachable? If you had nothing left in this world, what would you want to keep with you? What is the one thing, the one person that you love the most and know in your heart that you would go out of your way for? What do you have deep inside your mind, heart and soul? Are you able to experience true happiness? Or are you the type that sits there complaining about everything in your life? Do you know what the answers to all of these questions are? Where is your true happiness and how to you get true happiness

Personally, we are the most happiest when we are with our family. We are happy when we are writing, especially if it is writing something that we know will help someone out. Those things that make us happy are not exactly something that makes other individuals happy. Do you know why? Because true happiness, real sincere happiness is an individual choice and an individual experience.

Really, are you wondering what the secret of happiness is? Real happiness is whatever you want it to be. The answer to this secret is sitting there in your mind, heart, eyes, spirit and soul.

Find out more about the secret of happiness with this Happiness Now review.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Your Secret for Happiness

Are you holding your breath, hoping I'll reveal something that you don't already know?

Or maybe you're pretty sure that whatever I have to say won't be new, but you're curious to know just WHICH "secret" I'm going to reveal? Well, no matter.

Here's the scoop.

Recently I attended a presentation at my local library and that was the title - The Secret of Happiness. Did the presenter reveal some new secret to happiness? Nope.

She reminded us of the age old wisdom that WE are our own source of happiness. I know you know that. It's just that it's easy to forget that nugget of wisdom and instead reach out to other things, people, places, etc. to "bring" us the happiness that we so desperately desire. Sigh. It doesn't work - at least not for long - does it? No argument there.

So what do we do? Well, her advice is to meditate regularly. We have scientific evidence that a daily meditation practice does indeed increase happiness and our sense of wellbeing. I love that and I agree wholeheartedly.

Here's the interesting link for me - it's all about training your mind.

Meditation trains your mind to stay present and not to resist 'what is,' whether that's your thoughts or your current circumstances. Life coaching dovetails nicely with this idea of training your mind.

Why let our negative thoughts run our lives? I mean, really, what's the benefit in that? Okay, okay, sometimes you do have to consider the negative potential of something; I'll give you that. But do you really need to let those negative thoughts run amok as often as you do? I vote NO! C'mon, jump on the bandwagon with me and vote NO! You can do it.

Learn to choose your thoughts so that you feel happier and calmer more often and then act in a manner that brings you joy. Every day. No matter what life hands you.

I'll leave you with a wonderful thought that the present gave us.

It's such a lovely gift that I want to share it with you.

I dare you to start thinking this thought. Starting now...

"I am an unlimited source of happiness!"

Yep, YOU are the secret of your happiness. Isn't that a cool secret? Enjoy!


I'm passionate about helping women discover a fulfilling life! I want to help you discover the answers within you that will help you enjoy your journey, get MORE out of your life, and achieve your goals. Are you ready to make the next phase of your life even better? You can begin designing your best life! Why not start today? Small changes can have a BIG impact... start with a tweak and watch it gain momentum. Let me show you how. Visit my website for all kinds of FREE resources - including a FREE workbook on GOALS - and to set up your complimentary consultation:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Secret to Happy Married Life for Couples - Tips and Advice

Marriage can be defined as a social institution where man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments. Two partners enter into this institution only after establishing that they are ready to commit to each other for life. But somewhere down the road, certain hurdles faced during this companionship may fade the charm it had in the beginning. Research shows that more than 40% marriages end in divorce these days. Kind of scary, isn't it?

Let's explore some of the reasons why marriages fail.

Lack of Trust. What is the most important key factor in keeping the marriage alive? Trust. If two people cannot trust each other to share their feelings, emotions and thoughts, chances are they will grow apart. Trust is the foundation of healthy and happy marriage, and if couple or one of them do not trust the other, main ingredient of successful marriage is gone. Open communication leads to trust that leads to higher level of comfort and love for each other.

Money Matters. Being in a married life means you have to watch out for certain spending and saving. If both of you do not see eye to eye and do not agree with how money is spent or saved, it won't do you any good. It is important to sit together and plan out a budget that both parties agree with. There should be talk about investments, kids college funding, mortgage paying off and other major money matters to keep things in prospective. Financial matters can make or stain a good relationship.

Egoistic Nature. Do you always feel the need to be right, making the final decision or having the last word in an argument? If yes, you need to work on your attitude. Behaving in an arrogant way and acting like a boss instead of spouse can get your marriage in trouble. Your spouse and you have equal say in the household and children decision. So, be a little flexible and listen out to what your partner has to say.

Lifestyle Issues. If your job is too demanding or your social life is too hectic, chances are your spouse may start feeling neglected. They may start feeling that you do not care for them anymore. So, make it a point to spend some quality time with each other every now and then. This is refresh your relationship and make your spouse grow fond of yourself more than ever.

Is your relationship or marriage in trouble?

Learn the secrets to happy married life. To find out dating tips for men and women, visit

Secrets to Happiness and Inner Peace - Part One

There's a line in A Course in Miracles that goes, "Your passage through space and time is not random. You cannot but be in the right place at the right time."

Potent words and knowing deep within you the truth behind them will yield to the most extraordinary human existence imaginable.? It is one of several secrets to happiness and inner peace.? I'll call this one, Part One.? I'll write about others as I'm inspired to do so.? But, for now, here's a few ways this truth, when known and applied, will play out...

First, to ponder that your life is no accident, no random mutation of atoms, but a Divinely-appointed happening in space and time is as incredible as it is incomprehensible. But, guess what? You are. So, how could you ever think of yourself as anything but a most remarkable creation of God? When you know that you are, then you will move beyond self-recrimination, self-judgment, self-doubt, guilt, shame and so forth. You will know that you are a piece of God herself.

Further, since your life is no accident, your life experiences are no accident either. This is harder to ponder, harder still to apply. Our tendency is to quickly jump to labeling things good, bad, positive, negative, helpful, hurtful, and so on. But, if we could begin train ourselves to "Judge Not," (Matt. 7:1), as Jesus put it, we would free ourselves to see that all of life's experiences are really portals into greater awareness - or, portals into Presence itself. It was the late Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, author of the insightful stages of grief, who reminded us, "There are no mistakes. All events are blessings given to us to learn from." If that is true, then your spiritual practice is to find a way to pause in the chaos of everything and look for the portal.

There is much more I might explore when plumbing the meaning in this statement from A Course in Miracles. But, here's one more thought. If it is true, "You cannot but be in the right place at the right time," then try to imagine how wonderfully freeing it would be to actually live from this place of surrender and stillness? To know that you don't have to resist, fight, struggle against (or, struggle for something), or live one moment longer under any stress whatsoever. You are free to let life unfold, knowing that Universal Intelligence is orchestrating the "dance of life," as Chopra calls it. You flow with it, instead of fighting against it. "The wind blows where it wills," said Jesus. You cannot control the Spirit of this universe. You can only align yourself to it and flow with it. Any stress you feel, therefore, should be a signal to you to pause and watch where the wind is blowing, then adjust your sails.

I'm writing these words while flying from Chicago to Louisville. It's one of those rare and breathtaking days when the sky is as rich and blue as the deepest oceans of the Pacific rim. From this vantage point, it seems as if I can see forever. Scattered about and above the green landscape are white mounds of cumulus clouds. They're in as many different shapes and sizes as there are snowflakes in winter. What occurs to me, as I observe this magnificent beauty, is that none of it is imperfect, accidental, or random. There's an intelligence at work in all of this that is as comforting to observe as it is beautiful to observe. Each cloud floats effortlessly with the unseen Wind, wrestles not with what direction it is taken and, instead, freely flows with Life itself--in what appears to be complete silence, surrender, and peace.

My advice? Let images like this teach you about life itself and the way to live it in peace. Isn't that what Jesus was doing when he said, "Look at the birds of the the lilies of the field," (Matt. 6).? Well, you know the rest of what he said. Now, make it your spiritual practice and see what happens.

I've put up an entire post on my blog about this (and written a whole book about this and other matters related to the spiritual life), and I'd love to share some of the things I've learned with you. To get started, visit my website and blog site

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hypnotherapy, NLP, Or The Secret Of Happiness?

Maybe you have considered hypnosis to improve your confidence, success, and happiness. Or perhaps you have found calm and peace in meditation. You may have gone a step further and tried NLP or attended an NLP course. You may even have discovered EFT or Reiki on your healing journey.

A happy and fulfilled life is what most of us want in one form or another.

Sometimes the path to a sunshine mind is a circuitous one. And you may find that getting there was worth the journey. Or you may even find that you enjoy this journey, which is good.

The secret to true joy may well be elusive. And the flip side of the coin is that there is a way to happiness. There are so many things in life that can make us happy. It does not have to be a big thing, little things can produce so much joy too if we just let it happen.

The questions to ask yourself are these. How do people who are happy do this happy thing? What do successful people do to become successful? What does someone who feels in control of their life do that I can also do? Find out what they do and you too can enjoy what you want in your life.

Happiness is transient and subjective. Happiness is a sunshine feeling deep inside. A warm-fuzzy glow. A smile.

Let us look at the possibility of bringing some sunshine to your mind today. Maybe there was a time when you were on holiday with friends and enjoyed the togetherness and warmth. Perhaps there was a time when you won a prize and felt good about yourself. Maybe you can remember being on a beach, by the pool or in the mountains and feeling blissful. Or perhaps you remember sitting in the garden or running in the park, a time when you can remember feeling happy and carefree, even if just for a while.

Just for now, remember a time when you were happy. Even if this was only for a split second, that is OK.

Remember how you felt at that time; just the feeling. Now that you can remember this feeling, you know that it was possible once before and so will be possible again.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be amazed at how much there is to smile about. The trick is to think of many little things rather than search for that elusive big thing. Life has so many happy little moments. Put together, all these little moments add up. They have a cumulative effect. When you can truly enjoy each moment as it comes, you will have discovered the secret of happiness.

My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is.

A virus caught along with 5 other students at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy, and this is the 12th year I have outlived one doctor's prognosis.

I am now a complementary therapist, author and trainer specializing in "energy psychology". Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to subscribe to my FREE newsletter at

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Renters Liability Insurance - The Secret of Happy Renters

Have you ever experienced losing all your personal belongings due to the destruction of your home and its contents? Surprised the damages weren't covered by your insurance policy? The problem is you don't have the right kind of insurance. I know exactly what you must be feeling right now. This same disaster struck me and my family in the past.

A few years back a hurricane struck my hometown. The house I was renting was totaled and almost all of our personal belongings destroyed along with it. Only then did we found out our insurance did not cover damage personal belongings. Imagine losing everything you have worked so hard for over the years. You see, I understand what you are going through. This is why I have decided to share with you the secret of happy renters by writing this short yet informative article.

Do you want to know the secret that so many families are already benefiting from?

The secret is this: Renters Liability Insurance.

This insurance policy will cover all of your personal belongings, so that you get compensated for your loss of these in case of unforeseen disasters. These disasters include, but are not limited to damage due to fire, vandalism, natural disasters, and even theft.

You may have been unprepared for these unfortunate events in the past...but no more!

For your information, here are a few other facts about Renter's Insurance:

1. There are three kinds of coverage included in this insurance: (1) personal property coverage, (2) additional living expenses coverage, and (3) personal liability coverage.

2. Landlord's insurance only covers damage to the place you live in, so you still need Renter's insurance for your personal belongings.

Warning: Be sure that the insurance policy you get will be enough to cover all of your personal belongings. You may have to get several policies if you own expensive items such as jewelry.

The problem is: You don't know all the other reasons why you need this kind of insurance.

You can read this website for more information about Renters Liability Insurance.

Also, you can check out this resource for tips on how choosing the right Renters Insurance Inventory.

The Revelation of the Secret of Happiness - Short Inspirational Story

While meditating, I wanted to know who was happiest on earth and I had the vision of traveling to different places and for some reason, I found myself at a mansion, a house of many rooms; this house did not lack anything but had everything modern and in abundance. Then, I could feel the hearts of the persons, the owner of the house wanted more wealth and I could see that he was hardly home, he traveled a lot, looking for something more and his mind was busy in reaching fame and fortune. I could also see that the lady of the house, enjoyed of gatherings and her main worry was not about the reunions but about the clothes that she would wear and how the others would see her. She needed to show her power and control.

I also saw the heart of the children, they hardly knew their parents, they were addicted to buying and using new things and then, they would feel very bored and they were jealous among themselves.

I left the house while thinking that it was good that they were successful but there was something about them that did not seem that good since they were always unsatisfied, looking for something more and they were never happy.

Then, I went to the other side of the city and found myself in something that was almost like a house, it seemed very poor and there was a family inside, they were together and were eating; and the father was saying:

"Let's give thanks to God for our health, for been together, sharing this food."

I saw that their food was simple, there was no abundance, only what was needed. I could also see the hearts of the members of the family, where a light was shining. And I asked the light: "Who are you? I can see that this family has peace and unity." And the light answered:

" They also have joy and faith."

"How is that possible?" I asked. And the light said:

"You will not be able to see their wealth with your eyes, but you will feel it and you will understand the wealth in them because they accept themselves, they make the effort and with natural humility, they value and feel grateful for what they have, then, they have more than wealth, they have the revelation of the secret of Happiness."

And I kept listening in my heart:

"To accept, to appreciate, to be grateful"

Then, I understood, who was happiest on earth.

Oscar Basurto Carbonell is a well known international lecturer, Spiritual Teacher and Healer. Poet and author of innumerable writings related to Self Knowledge, Healing, Art for Good Health, Meditation and Spiritual Science, are some of his subjects. He has been painting since his early years. And has a great knowledge on the ancient science of techniques and designs of the Sacred Geometry, on the Ancient Symbols and on Healing Energy. His works are energy and poetry in movement that take us to walk on the spiritual paths and to receive energy of life and healing. His art is essence and substance of life. The artist has received special recognition for his humanitarian work helping charitable and ecological institutions. His exquisite artworks are named Mystic Healing Art and may be appreciated in his main website where thousands of artworks are exhibited in the virtual galleries.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Secret of Happiness

The secret of happiness is a great mystery to many people, constantly searching for joy in everyday life. I've heard people say: "When I finally graduate from college, then my life will be better." "I'll truly be happy when I get a better job." "As soon as my new home is built, I know I'll be more content." "I know I'll be happier if I move and have new experiences."

When we're feeling discontent, we tend to think a change in our lives is the answer to happiness. But after landing that new job or moving into a new home, are we truly happy? That may not be the answer we hoped for. We need to make our own happiness and enjoy what we have.

Does "love" have anything to do with joy? Victor Hugo seems to think so. He said, "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."

Our lifestyle can also be a factor, whether we're content or miserable. Joy can't be bought or traded. If we live a good and righteous life, chances are that our lives will be happier and we'll feel more satisfaction.

What is the secret of happiness? Rabindranath Tagore Wrote, "I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted, and behold--Duty was joy." Royden G. Derrick said it differently: "Happiness is a byproduct of helping others."

Is joy all about duty? Are we happier when we help others? "To find real happiness, we must seek for it in a focus outside ourselves. No one has learned the meaning of living until he has surrendered his ego to the service of his fellowmen," said Thomas S. Monson. "Service to others is akin to duty, the fulfillment of which brings true joy."

Is true joy thinking of others and their happiness? How about a simple and sincere smile or greeting? I've noticed it's quite effective. I suspect it's because friendliness uplifts us, makes us feel warm inside. When someone goes out of his way to greet us, it feels mighty good. Smiles are contagious. They tend to spread from person to person. If you smile at a baby, he automatically smiles back. Did you know that a frown uses 87 muscles? To smile, we use 13 muscles. With those 13 muscles we can uplift others.

The secret of happiness has puzzled many people. Whether joy can be found in righteous living, a belief that we are loved, or a byproduct of serving others, you can't deny the fact that a simple smile or greeting can make a difference in our lives. Perhaps the real secret of happiness is smiling.

Remember: "Those who bring sunshine into the life of others cannot keep it from themselves." - Anonymous.

Copyright 2007. Written by Linda Weaver Clarke, author of Melinda and the Wild West, a Semi-finalist for the ?Reviewers Choice Award 2007.? To contact the author, go to

Linda Weaver Clarke received her Bachelor of Arts Degree at Southern Utah University in 2002. She writes articles for several newspapers and teaches a Writing Workshop, encouraging others to turn their family history into a variety of interesting stories. She is also an Aid for the ESL program, helping the Spanish-speaking children in grade school. She has written a historical/fiction love story, Melinda and the Wild West, published by American Book Publishing. This book was a Semi-finalist for the Reader Views ?Reviewers Choice Award 2007.? This novel is the first of five in a family saga. Linda is happily married and is the mother of six daughters and has four grandchildren.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Forget Balance - Work, Life, and the Surprising Secrets of Happiness

Work/life balance is a crock. The elusive goal of balance keeps us teetering on a tightrope of insanity as we frantically juggle the plates of our compartmentalized lives.

Balance may be the big buzzword in corporate America, but parceling yourself out in the quest for perfect balance often makes you so worried about the moments you're missing that you forget how to enjoy the moments you're actually in.

The problem isn't lack of balance. It's that we've sub-divided our lives into a series of endless to-dos that hold no meaning for us whatsoever.

The truth is, balance isn't a strategy; it's a tactic, and a reactive one at that. And you don't create success or happiness with tactics. Think about it. Do you know anyone who achieved nirvana by mastering the art of the Franklin Planner?

It's no coincidence that when people talk about balance they're usually lamenting their lack of it.

I should spend more time with my kids. I should take more vacations. I should get to the gym more often. I should call my folks.

The list is a mile long, and we're convinced that true happiness will descend upon us when it's all checked off.

But the real secret of happiness isn't balance at all; it's two very simple things: We're the happiest when we're connected to others, and we know that what we're doing with our time makes a difference.

That's it. Not new cars, not big promotions, not even more sex, the perfect life partner or photogenic kids.

It's been proven time and time again, by everyone from the researchers at Harvard to religious leaders; we human beings need both pleasure and purpose to be happy. And we need to experience them both at the same time.

All the angst around balance is merely masking a larger issue which is lack of purpose and an inability to experience the pleasure of fully engaging in the present moment.

Our culture has perpetuated the myth that our work is over on one side of the equation and fun is on the other, two competing arenas that must be carefully balanced against each other at all times. Spread yourself around in the right proportion, and life will be bliss.

But in reality, our challenge isn't trying to balance out the drudgery with the fun; our challenge is to learn to how enjoy every aspect of our life while we're actually living it.

Meaningful work - be it parenting, PTA or powering your way to the top of P & G - is the cornerstone of a happy and successful life. Exhaustion may make you crave more pleasure. However, as the angst ridden botoxed ladies at the country club can attest, you can spend every day of your life at the spa, but unless it's connected to a larger purpose, at a certain point you're going to get tired of exfoliating yourself.

On the flip side, you can selflessly spend hours scooping soup for the poor, but until you learn to be fully present and experience the grace while you're ladling, there won't be a big serving of joy waiting for you at the bottom of the pot.

We human beings are hard-wired with an innate desire to create meaningful connections while we're on this planet and to make a contribution that outlasts our stay on it. Yet, despite the lofty yearnings of our souls. we often get ourselves so mired in our own muck that we're not fully engaged with the people around us, and we completely miss the potentially larger purpose of our daily grind.

There aren't too many world leaders, kindergarten teachers, or jingle writers who create fabulous results by distractedly going through the motions.

Trying to balance out your priorities by employing superb scheduling tactics will always feel like a rat race if you don't have a meaningful strategy or goal. If your true objective is to become happy, you're going to have to spend a little time thinking about what that actually means to you.

Whether you know it or not, you do have purpose on this planet - we all do - and I suspect that much of our angst over balance comes from the gnawing knowledge that we're not fulfilling it.

But before you quit your day job, you should know that you don't have to create world peace to give yourself a reason to get out of bed. Sometimes your life's purpose is something as simple, elegant and meaningful as being a great friend or boss.

I have no idea what your purpose is; it took me the better part of 44 years just to start getting an inkling of my own. But I do know that the meaning and joy you get out of your life is in direct proportion to the meaning and joy you put into it.

You can't make good decisions about where to spend your time until you know how you want to share your heart. Guiltily parceling out bits and pieces of yourself in the name of balance never makes you happy; it just makes you tired.

So forget balance. Figure out your purpose, get present in the moment and decide to be happy instead.

Lisa Earle McLeod is an author, syndicated columnist and inspirational thought-leader. A popular keynote speaker, Lisa is the principal of McLeod & More, Inc., a training and consulting firm specializing in sales, leadership and conflict management. Her newest book The Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Resolving Conflicts Large and Small (Jan 2010 from Penguin Putnam) has been called "a game-changing paradigm shift that should be read by every CEO in America." A repeat guest on Good Morning America, Lisa has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, and her clients include Apple Computer, Deloitte, Best Buy, Pfizer and The United Way. ( Copyright 2009 Lisa Earle McLeod. You have permission to reprint this edition of Lisa Earle McLeod's syndicated newspaper column electronically or in print, free of charge, without further reprint permission as long as the bylines are included.