We all love to feel motivated. I know I do. It's absolute nirvana to be on
purpose and on task at the same time. But life often intervenes in my plans
and that can mean stress, frustration and setbacks and I find that I have to
live my life on Inner Motivation - particularly when the proverbial chips
are down. Most of us wait for someone else to give us a reason to move ahead
or we wait for circumstance or opportunity to line up in just the right way
so we can move ahead with the inner commitment we've been holding back. We
wait for our partner to say 'I love you' first, we wait for a sign of
acceptance before we commit to revealing some part of ourselves and we wait
for the evidence of the result before we commit our belief.
To many of us this seems like a smart or even shrewd way of going about
business and life. We think we're protecting and insulating ourselves by not
putting too much 'out there' and therefore avoiding disappointment or (God
forbid) rejection. In reality, though, this is actually a very dangerous way
to live life because it puts your life and your happiness in someone else's
hands - a sure fire equation for misery. From the inside this may seem like
a very controlled way to live life, but it's actually a very out of control
way to live life. That's why it makes us so unhappy and leaves us so
unfulfilled. There's nothing dependable or controlled about it.
One of my favorite movie scenes is from the Indiana Jones movie where he
(played by Harrison Ford) and his father (played by Sean Connery) are
searching for the Holy Grail. Indiana's father lies dying at the hands of
the Nazis and to save his life Indiana must find the Holy Grail. To get to
the Grail, Indiana has to accurately decode his father's Grail diary which
will enable him to make his way through certain life-threatening challenges.
After successfully making his way through several of the tests, he comes to
a huge chasm that lies between where he is and where he wants to be. He
reads the Bible passage from his father's diary which has to do with "faith
being the evidence of things not seen". He picks up a handful of sand and
throws it out to the chasm only to see the sand fall on an invisible bridge.
I personally believe there lies a bridge across every chasm we face, no
matter the depth or the breadth of the canyon. The path to whatever we want
in life always exists and we can find it if we have the unwavering
commitment and willingness to learn and grow in the ways required of us.
"Courage is the price that life extracts for peace of mind."
Amelia Earhardt
When the relationship or the job or the project doesn't go the way you
wanted it to, you need to have Authentic Inner Motivation to get you to
where you want to be. You can't force yourself to be motivated. You have to
develop it from the inside out. Having Authentic Inner Motivation at your
disposal whenever you want it requires focus, commitment and discipline.
How do you do develop Authentic Inner Motivation? Let's take a look at the
1. Set Goals - First, decide what you want. Take your sales, income and personal
goals, and be crystal clear about them. Write them down and look at them
several times throughout the day. A vague goal of doing the best you can or
giving your best every day won't get you there. You have to clearly see what
you want - and often.
I have a Vision Folder. Inside it I have photographs, pages from magazines and mock-ups that reflect my goals. It's an easy and portable way to keep my goals in front me, and I look at them every morning and evening.
2. Commitment - Nothing happens without complete and total personal commitment.
If you're leaving out even 1% of your total dedication to accomplishing your
goal, you won't get there. Think about this...what would happen if your doctor
had a 99% commitment to healing you or your loved one? Would that be enough
for you? Would you have respect for them?
If you want to sleep well at night, if you want to be respected by those
you're in relationship with and if you want to have overwhelming
self-respect - commit 155% of yourself to your goals and watch your life
change for the better.
3. Self-Honesty - This is a tough one for some folks. Not everyone is comfortable
taking a hard look within. But if you're serious about being successful you
need to look within to see what you're doing to create your own experience.
You also need to be honest about what skills you need to learn to get you to
where you want to be. Also, take an honest internal inventory of your
emotional health. If you're carrying resentment from your last employment
experience, your last relationship or any other experience, it's limiting
the success you create today.
Think about the people you've known that use
resentment as insulation in their life - now notice how betrayal is a common
theme in their life. There's a reason for that. Call it the Law of
Attraction, Karma, a self-fulfilling prophecy or the "as ye sow, so shall
ye reap" principle, it means you are creating your own experiences. When you
hold on to resentment, you are (subconsciously) believing that you don't
have a choice or any power in your current situation, that the other person
is against you in some way and so this situation will turn negatively and
there's nothing you can do about it. Resentment always breeds betrayal in
your life. Take an emotional inventory and heal and release the reasons for
the negative emotions - particularly the resentment and watch the prosperity
roll in!
4. Accountability - It doesn't matter whether you listen to a minister, your
favorite self-improvement author, your Mom or Dr. Phil, they will all tell
you the same thing...your life is created from the inside out, so you might as
well own it. Blame of any kind is a jail cell for your spirit.
5. Commit to Faith & Belief - Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the evidence of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" - the faith and the belief has
to come first - the evidence comes after. There was a book written several
years ago under the title You'll See It When You Believe It. Great title. In
the tarot deck, the first card is the card of the Fool which shows a picture
of a young man ostensibly walking off of the edge of the cliff - it's said
to be the bravest, most powerful card in the entire deck.
6. Have an Attitude of Gratitude - The most powerful words you can ever use, think or
write is THANK YOU. Just as resentment can shut down your prosperity and
relationships, an attitude of gratitude will open the floodgates of
prosperity and love in your life. (Remember to use these powerful words with
yourself as well!) Every life experience is a gift and a perspective of
appreciation makes the inherent wisdom of our experiences all that more
evident to us.
7. Practice Tolerance - Judgment is another self-limiting behavior that limits your
success and hampers your motivation and creativity. Judgment is a terrible
burden to carry around and creates a paranoiac state of mind. Practice
tolerance and lighten your load!
8. Get Inspired - Inspiration comes from different sources for different people,
and it's essential that we know what works for us and that we prime these
sources often. I have a writer friend who has her most motivating songs on a
separate section on her iPod. When she feels blocked or frustrated or
discouraged, one of the things she does is listen to those songs one by one.
Long before the end of the songs she's belting out the words right along
with her favorite artist and she's ready to take another stab at her project
at hand. I like to go for a walk or a run outside. With two small children
in my life I may only get ½ hour to squeeze in a run or a walk but that time
is so inspirational to me. It really stirs my creativity. Meditating is
inspirational as is a good movie, a good book or talking with someone else
whose success you admire.
9. Take Care of Your Health - If you don't feel well, it's hard to stay motivated. So take good care of your health! Eat well, take vitamins, exercise every day, play, rest
and enjoy your work! There's a saying...anyone would give their money to have
health, but no one would give their health to have money. Right now I'm
really into juicing. It's an idea that came to me while I was sitting
outside (of course) next to the koi pond at Children's Hospital when my son was ill last summer.
As often as my husband could he would join us and come turn cartwheels to distract and make our son laugh so I could get some food into him. When -pop- there was the idea - juicing. It's worked beautifully. Our son began drinking his veggies and since they're masked under pineapple or apple or strawberries, he loves every drop. The rest of our family has started juicing as a result and I'm amazed at how good it makes you feel and how much energy it gives you! A friend of ours picked up the Jack Lalanne juicer for us while we were still in the hospital and he has a
neat video on his site at http://www.powerjuicer.com .
Authentic Inner Motivation isn't just a skill that will help you earn the
kind of money that you want or that will make you happier while you're doing it, it's a way of living that will help you to live a happier and more successful life.
Use the AIM Formula in your work and let yourself shine! You'll be happier,
more successful and more prosperous for doing it.
Melissa Van Rossum is an accomplished psychic and empath, and the author of two books. In her first book, All You've Ever Known, The Way in to Your Authentic Self Lies in Your Own Two Hands, she explores how to live a powerfully authentic and rewarding life that is rich with meaning.
In her newly-released second book, Their Way Home, My Adventures as a Ghost Guide Melissa offers revealing perspective as she shares for the first time the very personal stories of her encounters with real life ghosts who searched her out in their quest to find a way back home, and how she helped them to cross over in to the Light. Plenty of books have been written about ghost sightings but in this book Melissa shares the stories behind why these souls chose to linger on the earth plane and how you can live a happier life by learning from the mistakes they made in life...and in death.
You can find Melissa's books at http://www.allyouveeverknown.com
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