Monday, November 21, 2011

The Secret of Happiness and Success

To have success is also to have happiness. While success means different things to each of us, without success we are not happy. Being successful is a two-part process; first, there is determination and second there is belief. The secret is that both of these begin in the mind.

You cannot be happy if you allow others to decide your fate, to allow life to just rather push you along life a leaf in a river. This will create resentment, lost opportunity, conflict, and more importantly; unhappiness in your life.

We all must choose our own life; you are responsible for your life, your success, and your happiness. Nobody can do it for you, for example if I eat a pizza, will you feel full? If I take a shower, will you smell better? Of course not, but I hope that helps you to understand that you are who is in charge of your life.

The conscious decision

We all make choices every day, what to eat, what to wear, and so on. The big decision we must make is what to do. We decide what to do, and it is this choice that we must be aware of, if we are to achieve our success and happiness.

We must be prepared mentally, spiritually, and physically to make the choices that affect our lives. To do any less is to surrender to being just another face in the crowd, to being an anonymous member of society. We must determine what it is that means success to us, what does success mean to you is the thought that must be present in your mind at all times.

Choosing the direction

If you go to a bus station and ask for a ticket, the teller will request a destination. If you do not tell the teller a destination, you will not get a ticket to ride. Just as in your life: If you do not know where you are going, you will never get anywhere.

You decide what you want to do, and where you want to go. Without a clear idea of what you want to be means that you get what is left over from other peoples efforts, if anything at all. There is no such thing as something for nothing, everything has a cost. To not choose costs you any chance of success, to not know what you want costs you your happiness.

Making the choice

Decide first what it is that you desire, what do you desire to do or be? You can take this first, and most important, step towards success and happiness. Without this destination, there can be no journey.

Then determine that it shall be, that it will happen, that you will make it happen, that it will be yours. Feel the burning desire to see it through to completion, and you will start taking the steps needed to make your desire a reality in your life.

Then have faith in yourself. When you first start an endeavor you have to have a little faith, you are learning new things, doing new things, and you will get better as time goes on, but at first, it will seem difficult, and that is why you need to have faith to get you through the start up.

Soon after you begin, you will notice that your skills are getting better, that your ability to do things becomes easy and second nature. This is where faith turns into belief. Now you know you can, you can prove it, you can have it, and you can do it.

Then you will have success, you will have happiness, and above all: you will have your own life.

Be Blessed.

Did you find the information useful? You can find more about it at my Blog: True Happiness

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