Paulo Coelho, one of the most widely read Brazilian author, says, "The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart suffered when it went in search of its dream."
It's tough! It's really very tough to change your career. And it's risky too. But as the above saying goes, if one lives in the fear of suffering, their situation is worse than that of the one actually suffering. And again, if one is heading towards their dream, they don't suffer.
In today's materialistic world, there's no room for terms like heart... dream... feelings. And while trying to live in this world, we forget the dreams we used to see as a child. We forget what we wanted to become in those dreams. We become too realistic and call those dreams to be stupid. Or we only see the blocks and give up thinking they can't be achieved anymore.
But somewhere inside, our heart still craves to live the dream, and from time to time, it jolts our brain hard demanding justice. It wants us to wake up and move in the direction of that dream.
Not only the heart, actually we too want to move in the same direction. We too want to shout at our boss and everybody,"You keep suffering in this disgusting job. I'm going on to pursue my dream from today." But that's what we just want. We never try! The wanting regularly crops up within us and calms down seeing no reaction from our side. Why don't we react? Why don't I walk out of the job? Or why don't we at least, check out for the ways to reach our dreams? The only reason fitting here is fear.
What fear? Even though we want to change our direction, fear of something unexpected to happen pulls us back. We want to jump up and run for our dreams, but the fear calms us down. Our reasoning leads us to all kinds of ifs and buts, thus killing the desire. But it's only for the time being. And later again, it'll raise its head only to make us feel the actual suffering we are passing through.
Most of us have the thought,"Now, let me keep doing this job. Someday in future I will pursue my dream." And that 'someday' never comes. So little weight to your dream! And to the dream that can help me feel happiness at heart! Is it right?
However much I pretend to be happy, I very well know that I am suffering. And what use is pretending when I am in no plan to even try for it. My duty is trying. At least, I can do that. I will achieve my dream or not is for God to decide. Success is not sure, nor is the failure.
We suffer in the dead-end job unwillingly; but still, continue doing it. Why? I tell you, this suffering is far more painful. When you go after your dream, you don't suffer but you enjoy. You enjoy every moment. And yes, even the moments of suffering. So, think before you continue with the job that doesn't lead to your dream.
Believe in yourself, and start pursuing your dream. You'll know what true happiness is.
A passionate writer. Visit his blog to enjoy more of his creative works.
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