Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Number 1 Secret to Happiness

We spend a lot of energy and countless dollars every year in the pursuit of happiness. We tend to focus on our appearance, comforts and our surroundings. And these do make us feel better, i.e. happy. But it is a temporary fix that does not sustain us for long. After all, a basic automobile gets us comfortably to our destination just as well as a high dollar stylish machine.

Why does happiness seem to elude us? Where is it hiding?

Good questions. After decades of searching I've discovered that it is hiding in plain sight. And we only need to claim it. Ha you say! This may be true, but it's not that simple. Truth and happiness are obscured by our biases, perceptions, past experiences and beliefs. Just like a dirty window can make a beautiful mountain view look like a termite hill. Our beliefs obscure the truth.

And doesn't that bring up another question? Like how do I know if it's the truth or my own unique view of it. And if I find the belief that's clouding my view of truth how do I change it or in effect change my own mind? This really opens a can of worms and much has been written about it. So instead of confronting it head on I suggest we leap frog it.

One way to bypass our beliefs and personal views is to rely on an universal law. This allows us to overcome our limits and transcend our beliefs.

So here is the universal law that applies to happiness: "Happiness Is Your Birthright".

The first step is to claim it! An example in my life is that I felt like I had to earn happiness. I earned it through hard work and accomplishment. And when I had accomplished my goal then it was OK to be happy. How absurd that seems to me now. It was a journey discovering that it's OK to be happy just because I choose to.

In future articles we'll explore how we can claim happiness and sustain it.

Stephen Eaton is a self improvement junkie since the age of 19. He has attended hundreds of seminars, listened to 1,000s of audios and read over 1,000 self help books. To get a FREE DVD from Best Selling author Glenda Green on The #1 Secret To Happiness go to [].

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