Monday, October 24, 2011

One Single Secret to Happiness, Success, Health and Wealth

Most have lost their key to happiness.

Most have lost their key to wealth.

Most have lost their key to health.

Most have lost their key to success.

And they do not remember where they lost it and how to find it.

That's a fine fix to be in, isn't it? But that's the fix most of the people in the world are in. Not only did they lose something of utmost importance but they lost the memory of even having it.

People are scared to death of losing things, aren't they? They put double locks on their doors. They take vitamins and get MRI's. They get alarm systems in their house and car. They put encryption on their emails. They have duplicate anti-virus systems on their computers.

With all that securitization, most people have lost the most important thing they ever had or could ever had. They've lost their happiness.

That's why people do all these things to make themselves happy. They get a mate. They get a big job. They get a perfect car. They eat the right food. They see all the latest movies. They go to the hottest night club. They drink the latest popular cocktail. They go to the coolest vacation place. They have to always have something to look forward to, so they find that happiness.

At the end of all that scratching around for happiness, most people have a nagging sense of frustration. They cannot find lasting happiness in the usual ways of the world. They cannot find real happiness out there in all that.

The simple and forgotten reason is that happiness, real happiness, is not out there. It is right in your very own Self. Yes, you probably noticed the capital "S."

That's where happiness is all right. It's right inside of you.

And the forgotten secret to happiness, success, health, wealth and all the best things of life is very simple. A four letter word---L O V E.

It's gotten all confused. Nobody even knows what Love is. They don't know that real love is right inside of them. It's bottled up inside just waiting to burst out and transform your life.

You know that love conquers all. You know that love overcomes all. You know that love is the most powerful force in the universe. You know love is the answer.

The crying shame is so very few people know where that love is--right inside of them. They don't know how to access. They don't know how to wield this magnificent power to have the world they've dreamed of.

Love is the key to having, being and doing all you deserve and long for.

Loving yourself, loving everyone else, finding out that you have access right inside of you to this most powerful energy, is the key that you have forgotten you have. Find out. Love yourself. Love everyone else and watch what happens.

And you're invited to have a Free download of the best selling ebook Love Yourself and Let the Other Person Have it Your Way. The Free ebook gives you answers you have been looking for all your life. The Free ebook shows you how giving turns into getting. Click here to download the Free ebook now and see for yourself. Click here: []

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