Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Secret to Happy Married Life for Couples - Tips and Advice

Marriage can be defined as a social institution where man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments. Two partners enter into this institution only after establishing that they are ready to commit to each other for life. But somewhere down the road, certain hurdles faced during this companionship may fade the charm it had in the beginning. Research shows that more than 40% marriages end in divorce these days. Kind of scary, isn't it?

Let's explore some of the reasons why marriages fail.

Lack of Trust. What is the most important key factor in keeping the marriage alive? Trust. If two people cannot trust each other to share their feelings, emotions and thoughts, chances are they will grow apart. Trust is the foundation of healthy and happy marriage, and if couple or one of them do not trust the other, main ingredient of successful marriage is gone. Open communication leads to trust that leads to higher level of comfort and love for each other.

Money Matters. Being in a married life means you have to watch out for certain spending and saving. If both of you do not see eye to eye and do not agree with how money is spent or saved, it won't do you any good. It is important to sit together and plan out a budget that both parties agree with. There should be talk about investments, kids college funding, mortgage paying off and other major money matters to keep things in prospective. Financial matters can make or stain a good relationship.

Egoistic Nature. Do you always feel the need to be right, making the final decision or having the last word in an argument? If yes, you need to work on your attitude. Behaving in an arrogant way and acting like a boss instead of spouse can get your marriage in trouble. Your spouse and you have equal say in the household and children decision. So, be a little flexible and listen out to what your partner has to say.

Lifestyle Issues. If your job is too demanding or your social life is too hectic, chances are your spouse may start feeling neglected. They may start feeling that you do not care for them anymore. So, make it a point to spend some quality time with each other every now and then. This is refresh your relationship and make your spouse grow fond of yourself more than ever.

Is your relationship or marriage in trouble?

Learn the secrets to happy married life. To find out dating tips for men and women, visit http://www.pairland.com/

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