Saturday, October 8, 2011

Secret of Happiness Revealed - How to Be Happy In Life Regardless of Your Circumstances

Most people start out fairly happy in life. Then they start accumulating bad experiences and traumas, and they feel like happiness is something they can never regain. This is not true. The secret of happiness is not avoid any and all negative experiences in your life. If you live long enough, you're bound to have quite a few, in fact; and that doesn't mean you can't still be happy with your life.

One reason that people are unhappy is because they tend to hang on to the negative things in life. They become angry with people or with things, and they remain upset rather than moving on. Anger can be useful, but it's not a good way to live every day of your life. Some things are upsetting, but we have to learn what we should do about it when we are upset. Staying upset all the time about something you are unable to change is a waste of time and it negatively impacts your outlook on life. You can't find peace with yourself and others if you're constantly in a rage. If you can't change something that upsets you, perhaps you should focus your attention elsewhere, in a more positive direction.

Everyone also experiences some kind of loss in their life. Problems in their love life can seem devastating, but remember that people can and do move on with their lives and find happiness elsewhere and with other people. Everyone will eventually lose some of the people who are closest to them. Grieving is a natural process and you shouldn't try to avoid it, but remember that it shouldn't go on forever. It is hard to deal with the loss of a loved one, but it does not mean you will never be happy again. Talk about your feelings and work through them, rather than trying to suppress them. It is a process that you will get through, given enough time, even though it is not easy. Once you've dealt with a loss, you can move on and focus on the good things in life, and the good memories associated with the person you've lost.

Part of the secret of happiness is taking control of your life. A lot of people think they're unhappy because it's just the hand they've been dealt. Even if the best possible circumstances weren't just handed to you, that doesn't mean you can't take the initiative to better your situation. Just having a more positive outlook, the thought that you can improve your life if you work hard at it, can be an empowering thought. It shouldn't end as just a thought, however. Rather than sitting back and taking whatever life throws at you, start doing things that will contribute to your happiness. Spend time with people who have a positive attitude and make you feel good about yourself. Take time to do the things you love, whether that's pursuing a hobby or a career. Focus on the good things in life, rather than dragging yourself down by remembering all the bad things you've experienced.

Felix Makmur is the owner of How to Find Happiness where he shares various tips and strategies that you can apply right now to find inner happiness in your life, regardless of your circumstances. Download your FREE Exclusive Report "How to Be Happy Now - 7 Powerful Secrets to Find Happiness No Matter What" and 30-Minute Relaxation Meditation MP3 Worth Over $37 at

1 comment:

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